Do you need the best fabric treatments to keep your outdoor gear and equipment in tip-top condition? Here at Blacks, we have compiled an extensive selection of fabric treatments from reliable fabric care and cleaning brands such as Nikwax and Grangers, for a variety of different outdoor fabrics including tents and footwear care. For unbeatable value, check out our range of fabric cleaners for sale!
Explore our range of tent fabric care, offering high-performance waterproofing and UV blocker for all synthetic weatherproof textiles. This selection of adds a Durable Water Repellent treatment to fabric reinforcing the material, making it more durable and less susceptible to damage. We also have a wide selection of footwear care, perfect for walking and hiking boots for a variety of different materials including suede and synthetic. Browse our wide range of fabric washing, to get tricky stains or marks out of your outdoor gear!
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